Returning Stewards Please Login, do not Re-Register

Glastonbury 2024 - what a show!

Thank you all so much for being amazing and leading your teams through this years festival.  You have remained "fluid and dynamic" with a smile on your faces, and stepped up to support all of the extras we have asked of you.

The feedback form is live from 1st July until 31st July - so please share with us the things that have gone well, and the things we need to try and improve for the future.

With love, 

Bev, Martin A, Jim, Jon, Dave, Andy, Greg, Jaye, Mia, Claire, Katie and all the GFEL Stewarding team.


All of our stewards are recruited directly by the teams they represent at the festival, and we do not maintain an open register of people who would be interested in volunteering with us.

However, a number of other charities and groups also take on volunteers to work at the festival and it would be worth checking out this link: and also looking at some of the core charity partners websites such as Oxfam, WaterAid and Greenpeace for any opportunities they may have.

*** Please do not register unless your Team Leader has told you that you have a volunteer position for 2024 ***

*** Unsolicited registrations will be deleted ***

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